Did you see us at the SEND Summit?
This week, we attended SEND Summit 2023, hosted by Children and Young People Now.
The day was action packed with engaging workshops and lively discussion from across the sector, including teachers, SENDCos, social workers and public health professionals.
Our Campaigns Manager, Lucy Croxton, was invited to participate in the Q&A session on ‘making it easier for young people and families during the transition process’, alongside KIDS Chief Executive, Katie Ghose, and Nicholas Prempeh, Assistant Head & SENCo at an Alternative Provision in London.
Lucy put forward the experiences of the Together Trust workforce following a recent in-person workshop.
She also shared some of the headline findings from Together Trust’s ‘Your Say on SEND’ survey which ran last year and was designed to give parents and carers a say on the government’s proposed SEND reforms.
Further to this, our team attended sessions on Supported Internships, providing support for refugee and Black and minority ethnic children with SEND, and protecting children with disabilities from harm in residential settings.
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